So not wanting to waste a perfectly good snow day, Elijah was out long before I could even get his brothers dressed and up. I happened to peak outside at him to catch him playing with a neighbor kid who also looked like he was trying to enjoy the snow.

They were trying to start the base for a snowman, which eventually ended up being a failed attempt. The first snow we didn't have enough snow to really make a big snowman the second time the snow seemed dry and powdery so the ball you see there is about as far as there snowman came. They get an A in my book for the effort that was made.

I finally got the twins up and dressed to enjoy the snow, the last time we had a good snow the twins weren't really old enough to enjoy it. Thankfully this year they were old enough to enjoy it though I'm not sure how much they understood or if they will have any memory of it at all. Either way they seemed to enjoy it and it gave me an awesome memory of there very first snow, not to mention an excuse not to do housework. So it all worked.

This is the start of the twins adventure in the snow, love in this photo how it almost looks like they are talking to each other about something. At this point when they do this I'm not sure exactly what they are saying to each other, but they obviously know as they seem to respond to each other and I may never really know what they are saying to each other.. But thats okay. It's a twin thing. I'm just happy they include me a little bit . Plus I'm blessed to get to experience having twins.

Adriel seemed a bit confused by the snow at first not sure what to think of it, but after he got the hang of it he seemed to love hearing it crunch under his feet. He wasn't impressed with touching it as he is alot like his Daddy and is not a fan of the cold. But loved walking in it.

Mathias also at first wasn't sure what to think about all the snow, but after a bit he soon warmed up to the ideal of snow and really started enjoying it. Moments like this with the boys seem to make all the stress of there prior diagnosis earlier in the month seem to melt away, no pun intended. Mathias soon began knocking the snow off of everything. Out of all the kids Mathias seems the most "boyish". Often getting into trouble and being a typical destructive boy.

Adriel began walking around no longer satisfied by the snow in our yard or drive and I had Elijah follow him because I couldn't be with both boys at the same time. Mathias is the most michevious so I had to stick with the one that would get in the most trouble. Though Adriel was never out of my sight. Giving him a bit of safe freedom was nice and it allowed me to catch this classic but cute photo of Elijah and Adriel walking up the sidewalk. Talking about snow I'm sure. A brief moment of piece between two brothers that often fight.

Elijah bored of walking with Adriel and wanting to join in the fun of Mommy shoveling the drive and gently throwing it at Mathias decided he would give Mom a break and try to help. I didn't mind I mean you have to start them out early on this type of stuff. =-)

Mathias tired after a good 15 minutes of having a snowball/ shovel fight with Mommy. ( Mainly just me gently tossing snow from the shovel at him) Returned to his prior activities trying to clean the snow off the bushes as I was trying to clean so off the drive. Mathias was very entertained with this and would laugh esoterically as he knocked the snow off the bushes.

Mathias at the end of our snow time play looking at the beauty of it all one last time before we had to go in for lunch. We had a fun day and it was totally worth all the work it took to get the boys bundled up just to go outside. 1 and a half hours of work for only an hour of fun. But that hour was one of the funniest hours of my life in the month of November. I loved having this experience with my boys.Thanks to my husband for letting me be a stay at home Mom.
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