Josh's big fire on the grill, yummy.

Our sit up out front to watch the fire work show.

Elijah was tired, we had fun.

Ellie and I after she woke up from her nap. Was a fun night.
So our fourth of July didn't go exactly how we planned it, but we rescued it that afternoon. We went to a forth of July picnic that one of our church members hosted. They host it yearly. There is food, paint balling, and friends. We didn't get to enjoy it this year as much as we could of because we didn't know what to expect. It also didn't help we didn't realize we could just let the kids run and play instead of having to guard them so closely. Anyways the kids were getting tired so we decided to head home. When we got home we ended up having a barbecue and sitting up for the fire works. Our neighborhood has a huge fireworks show in the cul - da - sac in front of us. It's better then professional. We eat our food out front and make smores on our fire pit while enjoying the show. We usually burn our tree from Christmas, but this year we didn't save them so we bought firewood from safeway. It was a nice night. Ellie slept well and let us enjoy the night with Elijah. Elijah had alot of fun, even at the church picnic. He went to bed worn out and so did we. The twins stayed up for a bit and enjoyed the fireworks from there window. This 4th of July was cold, we are hoping this next years will be a bit warmer, but no matter the weather. It's fun to celebrate with our family.