So Ellie's well baby check up was a little late, but not too late. It was closer to a 3 month old check - up. Ellie has grown quiet a bit, she hasn't doubled her weight yet, but watch out 4 Month old well baby check up. Ellie is now 11lbs 1oz and 23 inches long, A long skinny baby much to my excitement. Maybe she will be like her big sister and Mommy. Anyways for the most part Ellie is a healthy little girl. The doctor did notice something called torticollis ( basically her neck muscles on the right side of her neck are tight causing Ellie to want to look towards her right) The doctor sent a referral for physical therapy. So we are now getting her physical therapy at the Children's Therapy Unit. Also a lady from Elks therapy is coming in home to work with Ellie too. ( Personally I like Elks therapy lady better, she worked with Mathias on his torticollis.) Children's therapy unit is 2 times a month, due to a large need, not enough therapist to kids. Anyways she's also getting seen by the Elk's lady once a week too. So between the two organizations and me working with her daily we are hoping to see improvement fairly quickly. Other then that I'm glad to announce that Ellie is a healthy bright eyed baby.