How it all started.

How it all started.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Dramatic Check up.

So I took Adriel and Mathias to there 2 year check - ups and lets just say that was an adventure. They no longer fit in there strollers so I had to attach kid leashes to them to keep up with them. Adriel was not impressed with the leash, he would try to walk further then the leash would allow, when he discovered that he couldn't go as far as he would like he plopped down on the ground and proceeded to have a temper tantrum. Mathias on the other hand didn't seemed fazed by it, he would go to the end of the kid leash and just pull harder. I just laughed the whole time. It was better then crying. Though I'm sure everyone in the waiting room at the doctors office thought I was crazy. I was laughing while Adriel was sprawled out on the ground crying and Mathias was bouncing back and forth on the end of the kid leash like a ping pong ball. Thank God they took us back quickly. At least I thought that initially.

We got back to the waiting room and I thought it would be smooth sailing from there. Not so much the moment we walked through the door after there weight and height both the boys just started screaming. I was instructed to strip them down to diapers and lets just say that was a challenge. While stripping Adriel down Mathias was trying to cling to me and while stripping down Mathias Adriel was climbing up me. They screamed through out the whole appointment. They finally calmed down, but go figure it was right before the shot. The shots were administered and they cried for a few minutes and that was it. Ironically enough they cried more waiting for the shots then they did after them. They were fine after a few minutes of cuddling. We got our stuff together and left. Lets just say at times I felt like a shepherd herding a small flock of sheep.

Thank goodness both of the boys health wise are fine!!!
Adriel is 29 lbs and 34 inches tall.
Mathias is 28 lbs and 34 inches tall.

Boy amazing to think that once upon a time.
Adriel was 4 lbs.
Mathias was 3lbs 12 oz.

This was definietly a dramatic appointment and all that drama for one stick lol...