So today is the day that the boys developmental teacher comes out to work with them and after our normal initial introduction we got to work on some of the things the boys need to be learning and working on. One of those things is learning how to come down the stairs. After there teacher working with them and a another developmental specialist showed me how to encourage them to come down the stairs and the appropriate way to do it Adriel surprised us all. After only a few times of showing him how to come down the stairs, he took off and did it all on his own and quiet quickly too. I am so proud of him. They are making improvements very quickly an improvement I am happy about.
After working on going up and down the stairs we did Easter crafts. The twins sat and panted paper eggs with special kid safe painting pens and Elijah did a special big boy craft. I was delighted to see how uniquely each child did there own crafts. Mathias spent more time eating the paint pens then actually painting on the paper eggs. Adriel dug right in and painted 5 different paper eggs. Elijah of course enjoyed his craft and worked at it diligently. I am in hopes that each child while make great strides. Though at different rates hopefully at a more acceptable rate physically, developmentally and academically. With plenty of work, several more arts and crafts and lots of flash cards I know my boys will be back on track before we know it.