So after a bit of encouragement, Ellie finally dug in her cupcake. Though still in her own little way. She sucked on the cupcake. She had it so wedged in her face that I actually had to pull the frosting away from her nose as I was afraid she would in hail it
Naomi made short work of her cupcake leaving nothing but crumbs and a bit of frosting behind.
Ellie still sucking on her cupcake, I think she actually stayed like this for 15 minutes eating her cupcake.
She finally came up for air. She was getting full and just started crumbling the cupcake into little pieces.
What a cute little mess on her face.
Then time for gifts, as you can see Naomi loved her little ride on/ push toy. Ellie got a puzzle and a very cute outfit.
Then it was time for nap/ quiet time for the girls. I got the pleasure of cuddling with little Naomi and Ellie at the same time while Heather was trying to get her twins down for there nap.