Ellie blowing zoobers as she's moving along.
Right around December 31st or so Ellie started crawling real well, the army crawl. But it's progress. Her most recent development is scooting on her butt while in sitting position. Though it's not what the OT (Occupational Therapist) wants to see her do, it's an improvement to what she's been doing, which is not moving at all. Ellie for some odd reason is delayed in her gross motor skills ( crawling, pulling up ect...) and also fine motor skills ( picking stuff up with her figures and any use of her hands), the doctors and teachers arn't sure why Ellie seems to be developmentally advanced for a baby girl her age, already using 2 signs, not regularly but signs non the less and her social skills before her most recent stranger anxiety have been advanced. Ellie has an appointment with a pediatric neurologist January 25th to double check theirs nothing neurological going on with her or that she hasn't developed my dystonia, which could be genetic we arn't sure. Non the less I don't let anything the teachers say about her or the possibility of health problems still my joy in this event, watching your kiddo develop and make progress in any situation is always a joyous moment and well Ellie is a joy to have as a baby. I'm a lucky Mom and excited to see what 2011 holds for her development. I'm excited to watch her run and play pretend and my even be down on the floor playing dolls with her soon. Praise God for my little girl Ellie.