The other day we made an attempt at a nice photo of me with the boys and Ellie.We thought since the twins were sleepy it would work well, we found out pretty quick it wouldn't. After several failed attempts the above is what we got. The photos reminded me of something you would see from a old black and white comedy reel or possibly the photos you would put with the nursery rhyme about the old women in the shoe. We all had fun though and if the kids ever ask why there wasn't more photos of all of us together, I can definitely explain why with the above. Go figure, I should of known with a 4 year old, two 2 year olds and an infant we wouldn't be successful. So this weekend we will be going to let the professionals fight with it *lol*. The kewl part is they have more time, specialize in it and if they don't give us a successful photo, they don't get paid. So we will see what happens. We are hoping for a gorgeous photo... But I won't sit my hopes too high and will love whatever we can get. Because a perfect family photo, doesn't always reflect the true family. But photo's like the ones taken above reflect all of our kids unique attitudes and personality. I should frame these and put them up on our wall as a border. Make a cute border and get some laughs.