Adriel heading to school in Mom's Mini van/ Bus.

Mathias heading to school. Neither of the boys seemed too thrilled about this.

The boys getting brought into the classroom, both looked a bit confused and worried.

Adriel not wanting to sit down to color with some of his classmates.

Mathias also not so impressed with coloring.
This first day of school came with alot of heartache, tears and stress for me as a Mom, I'm not sure how much the twins truly understood about this, if they understood at all. I mean It's hard to send your kids to school that very first time anyways without them being special needs. But when they are special needs it really is much harder then you would think. Most kids go to school around 5 years old and for years that's what I had expected, it wasn't until about July to August we started realizing this plan might change and much like there brother they would go right around there third birthday.. It was much harder with the twins then Elijah, but we had at least a year to prepare for Elijah going to school, unlike a few months with the twins. Not to mention for a Mom it makes it even harder because unlike Elijah, whose understanding and communication was advanced, the twins are incredibly delayed. Think of it as sending your 1 year old and 2 year old to school. Most parents would feel anxious about this. Not to mention there is a sense of feeling like a failure as a parent because of them having to go early. It may sound silly but you really start questioning yourself as a parent and all that went through my mind was that I messed up. I messed up so bad indeed they have to go to school at three because I can't teach them. While this isn't t truly the way it is. It's the way you feel, at least to start.
But after the initial shock and fear, come the realization that this is what they need to advance and with the fear and anxiety come bit of relief, because you know that this may help them be able to actually talk to you or sit down and play with you like developmentally at three they should be able to do. It also brings a bit of a break for an often over worked over stressed Mom and a bit of time with there sister to try to work with her and hopefully help her to be developmentally advance instead of delayed.
As far as the twins they seemed anxious and not one bit pleased about going to school but after a few days of going they seemed to do incredibly well. The first day I drove them and walked them into the classroom. They were already melting before we even got in the classroom. It started because they were fighting with each other in the wagon and because I didn't buckle them thinking that it would be okay we weren't going that far. They were trying to climb out. After dragging all them into the school going through the office, down the hall and to the classroom they were finally in the classroom. They were instructed/ shown where to put there backpack and coat, shown the shape of the day and assisted in putting there name on the board under there shape. The were brought to there chairs one at one table and the other at the other table, to participate in the coloring activity for the day. Neither of the boys were impressed with this. Adriel was just trying to run away and play with toys. Mathias followed me to the door on the side of there classroom. There teacher Mrs. Laible brought him back to the chair. Knowing I couldn't help and I was making it worse I told them I loved them turned and walked out the door, while holding my tears back. I and Ellie went out the door dragging the empty wagon across the parking lot and out to the van. I got Ellie strapped in, the wagon loaded, the car started, then sat and cried for a moment. I called Josh letting him know that they were in school and proceeded with Ellie and I's day. That first day away we went to the store. Needless to say I wanted to keep busy and when I did get home, I waited anxiously for the bus to pull up in front of the house. All and all it went well. Below is the letter the teacher wrote to me that afternoon.
Hi Jasmine,
The boys had a good morning. You were right about transitions - rocky for both boys. However, during free choice, Adriel found toys to play with and was entertained. Mathias played for a bit, but then would sit by the door crying. Another little boy their age (two months older) sat next to Mathias and tried to interest him in cars. Mathias and Adriel enjoyed playing outside on the big toy. They both did pretty well at circle time sitting and listening to a story. I think once they get the routine, they will adjust just great! Adriel seemed kind of sleepy towards the end of our session. They should nap well for you! I appreciate your email and all you're doing for them to get them ready for school.
Thank you,
Jennifer Laible
This first day of school came with alot of heartache, tears and stress for me as a Mom, I'm not sure how much the twins truly understood about this, if they understood at all. I mean It's hard to send your kids to school that very first time anyways without them being special needs. But when they are special needs it really is much harder then you would think. Most kids go to school around 5 years old and for years that's what I had expected, it wasn't until about July to August we started realizing this plan might change and much like there brother they would go right around there third birthday.. It was much harder with the twins then Elijah, but we had at least a year to prepare for Elijah going to school, unlike a few months with the twins. Not to mention for a Mom it makes it even harder because unlike Elijah, whose understanding and communication was advanced, the twins are incredibly delayed. Think of it as sending your 1 year old and 2 year old to school. Most parents would feel anxious about this. Not to mention there is a sense of feeling like a failure as a parent because of them having to go early. It may sound silly but you really start questioning yourself as a parent and all that went through my mind was that I messed up. I messed up so bad indeed they have to go to school at three because I can't teach them. While this isn't t truly the way it is. It's the way you feel, at least to start.
But after the initial shock and fear, come the realization that this is what they need to advance and with the fear and anxiety come bit of relief, because you know that this may help them be able to actually talk to you or sit down and play with you like developmentally at three they should be able to do. It also brings a bit of a break for an often over worked over stressed Mom and a bit of time with there sister to try to work with her and hopefully help her to be developmentally advance instead of delayed.
As far as the twins they seemed anxious and not one bit pleased about going to school but after a few days of going they seemed to do incredibly well. The first day I drove them and walked them into the classroom. They were already melting before we even got in the classroom. It started because they were fighting with each other in the wagon and because I didn't buckle them thinking that it would be okay we weren't going that far. They were trying to climb out. After dragging all them into the school going through the office, down the hall and to the classroom they were finally in the classroom. They were instructed/ shown where to put there backpack and coat, shown the shape of the day and assisted in putting there name on the board under there shape. The were brought to there chairs one at one table and the other at the other table, to participate in the coloring activity for the day. Neither of the boys were impressed with this. Adriel was just trying to run away and play with toys. Mathias followed me to the door on the side of there classroom. There teacher Mrs. Laible brought him back to the chair. Knowing I couldn't help and I was making it worse I told them I loved them turned and walked out the door, while holding my tears back. I and Ellie went out the door dragging the empty wagon across the parking lot and out to the van. I got Ellie strapped in, the wagon loaded, the car started, then sat and cried for a moment. I called Josh letting him know that they were in school and proceeded with Ellie and I's day. That first day away we went to the store. Needless to say I wanted to keep busy and when I did get home, I waited anxiously for the bus to pull up in front of the house. All and all it went well. Below is the letter the teacher wrote to me that afternoon.
Hi Jasmine,
The boys had a good morning. You were right about transitions - rocky for both boys. However, during free choice, Adriel found toys to play with and was entertained. Mathias played for a bit, but then would sit by the door crying. Another little boy their age (two months older) sat next to Mathias and tried to interest him in cars. Mathias and Adriel enjoyed playing outside on the big toy. They both did pretty well at circle time sitting and listening to a story. I think once they get the routine, they will adjust just great! Adriel seemed kind of sleepy towards the end of our session. They should nap well for you! I appreciate your email and all you're doing for them to get them ready for school.
Thank you,
Jennifer Laible