Despite our friends and family warning us about adding more to our plate and adding another mouth to feed into our brude, we choose to do it again. No I don't mean have another kid are you crazy!!?? We decided to adopt a puppy, though she might as well be another kid. It's just like adding another kid to the mix. Anyways we've been searching for a family pet for a while that would fit in with us and our situation. Since the passing of our last dog Rusty a family pet has been well missed, but financially we weren't in a place where we could afford a dog. It wasn't til just recently with the Twins diagnosis of Autism that we started looking again. I had read in so many articles that a dog was often therapeutic for Autistic kids and that there were even places that had Therapy dogs for kids with Autism. One already trained to handle there special needs. After doing some research and contacting some organizations we found that there was no possibility that we could get a already trained therapy dog. So we started searching for a breed that could possibly be easily trained. We also were looking for a free or low cost dog. After a long search on craigslist we stumbled across a lady who had a Golden Retriever/ Cocker spaniel mix that was free. she had been breed, but not fixed. We would have to have her fixed and then she would be ours. Well to make a long story short we went all the way to Gig Harbor to look at her and by the time we reached there someone had already came and got her. Open to ideals and not wanting to adopt the other dog they had we looked at the puppies. Me having no clue that one of those puppies would end up being ours we looked. Lets just say never look at a puppy because you will always end up with one. Again long story short we are now proud foster parents to a 70% Golden Retriever/ 40% Poodle/ 12 % Cocker Spanial mix puppy. The program we are part of is a foster home for a breeder ( professional, not to be mistaken for a puppy mill, they do genetic testing to insure the health of the puppies and also have owners sign a contract that states they will fix them with in 6 months of purchase or pay a fine of 1 thousand dollars.) We will care for and train cupid just like she would be ours ( also provide gear) but we are not responsible for vet bills or the first shots and later on down the road if the puppies are genetically healthy can receive compensation for the last 3 litters. We recieved the puppy December 7th and have been raising/ training/ fighting with her ever since. It's hard work but in the long run I'm certain it will be worth it.
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