This year instead of going to our normal farm in Bonny Lake we decided to go to a cute little road side stand in Milton. It wasn't exactly the same as our beloved Tree Farm Adventure in Bonney Lake, but in a pinch this was the closest thing we could get to the " Real Tree Farm" experience so it worked. We vow to only use this during rough times or horrible weather. In this case horrible weather was the issue. It had been a horrible down pour all day. Before we went to get our tree though we had to pick up a few extras and of course decided to stop and let the kids try on some Christmas hats, in there colors of course. Red, Green and Blue.

After goofing off in Wal - Mart for a bit we decided to get down to business and go get our tree. Elijah and Josh went to the small field where they had trees propped up on PVC pipe and picked 2 trees, then they proceeded to come get me so I could make the finial decision. The above strapped to the top of our van was the one we picked out. It was full gorgeous and smelled wonderful.

After picking the tree out of course you pay for it then the people there at the stand load it on your vehicle ( Unlike the tree farm). Allowing Dad and Elijah to stand in the rain for the perfect photo op. Poor Elijah was freezing and ready to get in the van.

At home we brough the tree in and battled with it to get it in the tree stand just right and began the process of decorating the Hodges Christmas tree. First with the lights, then with the garland, after that ornaments.

Of course last but not least at the very top the Angel. Daddy lifted Elijah up on his shoulders and he put the Angel at the top of the tree.

At last you have the finished product, a gorgeous unique view, better than any Christmas tree out of Better Homes and Garden magazine. Why is our tree alot better then a tree from a magazine. Because each ornament means something special. We buy each of our kids an ornament every year for them to have when they get older. Hand made ones included ( Though those will never leave Mom's house)

Of course the head decorator had to stand in front of his master piece, what a cute artist.
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