Playing with bubbles. The twins love them and they keep Elijah occupied for hours.

Playing with legos, it's so much more fun outside then inside.
So a couple of weeks ago I decided to be brave after getting discouraged about my inability to manage all the kids out in about by myself on walks in our cul - da - sac. I decided I wanted them to be able to play outside like other kids and enjoy themselves. So empowered by friends and my husband I got creative and created a play area in our unfenced yard. I was intially nervous about the possibility of the boys running out of the back yard to explore further then I wanted them too, but after some reinforcement and 1 difficult day. We had success and the boys have since played out in there new play area several times since. I was proud of myself and proud of them and they had a blast back there. They have a basket ball hoop, some beans in a sand box ( mainly to avoid a huge mess of sand in my carpeted dinning room where the boys come in from out back), a huge dump truck, a see saw which they have yet to use, some balls and lego's. Oh and bubbles when Elijah blows them. Most of all they have fun and it's manageable for me. Though I have to have Elijah home to keep on eye on them when they play or I have to sit in the dinning room. But for the most part it is a small price to pay for there enjoyment and imagination.
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