Ellie's 1st bath was a very long awaited event. Because of a belly button that bleed forever after her umbilical cord coming and having 3 other kids we didn't get to bathe her as early as we had wanted. Lets just say getting to this event could of easily been a whole theatrical event. Note the lights, camera, action title to the blog. But our reward for waiting was that Ellie did wonderfully during her bath. I think she had to practice for her big moment. But it went over with out much crying. The initial dunk in the water startled her and she cried for a brief moment. But after that she seemed to enjoy it and be a natural born water baby. It was a delightful experience for Ellie and us. I even think I heard Josh sniffling in the back ground as I was bathing her, not sure though as he was hiding behind the camera.

Drying off went almost as well with very little crying and lots of being awake. Other then a few shivers it went well also.

The end result was like a lot like the prior sponge baths, A wonderful smelling beautiful baby girl, whose hair later fluffed up like a poodles cut or a very distasteful hair do. Note the fluffy hair looks marvelous on her. The other perk to this long production is that our main actor
" slept like a baby".
" slept like a baby".
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