Every year at Valentine's day we get something small for the boys to wake up to in the morning to open at the breakfast table. It's my responsibility to get the boys something and Josh's to get the girls something. Usually every year I get the boys some candy, a small toy and one book. This year I decided Elijah was big enough to get a bit of a chapter book. Not a advance one but a chapter book. Elijah got a Car's chapter book with multiple stories in it and some candy. I didn't get toys this year, they have to many as is.
I had to encourage him to dig in, but once he did he was good. Also I use the same gift bag every year for each kid.
Mathias dug in his with no help. He got a book called " My precious little bear" , some sweet tart hearts and a heart sucker.
They both looked like they enjoyed what they got. They browsed there books while eating there breakfast.
Later on in the day after they got home from school and after lunch I sat down and read there new books that they got for Valentine's Day before nap. We shared our normal kiss and hug before lying down, or playing in there cribs for there hour and 10 minutes of quiet time/ nap time.
Mathias enjoyed his story and I loved reading it to him, I bustle around so much during a day, so it's nice to have this moment of quiet and special time with each kiddo.
Adriel as usual didn't really want to sit for his story, most of the time I have to bounce, make crazy hand movements or sing the book out to help keep Adriel interested. So we did that in our book and he later seemed to enjoy it once the movement started.
Later Adriel and I shared a kiss/ Eskimo kiss. He seems to like the Eskimo kisses better.
We read our book and laid him down for his nap/ quiet time.
Later that night we decided to all go out as a family for a special Valentine's day activity. Supper at McDonald's. I of course had to also give my Valentine's girl a kiss on her very first Valentine's Day!
And a big hug!
We got to McDonald's and did our normal we got Ellie settled in her seat with some toys.
And turned the boys loose to run. Of course Mathias bolted across the play area visiting and saying hi to everyone there.
Adriel immediately hit the play structure and proceeded to go down the slide.His favorite thing to do there!
While Mom chased the boys around and ordered our food Dad enjoyed a few quiet moments with his little girl.
After a long day of play it was time for the kids to head upstairs and get ready for bed. This was a cute shot of Ellie I got before us all heading upstairs for the bedtime routine. We got Ellie settled in too rarely at the same time as the boys, where she snuggled with the gifts Daddy got her for Valentine's Day. A blanket, puppy dog and a heart shaped pillow.
After the kids were all in bed I stopped to enjoy the gifts Josh had gotten me that day.
Also to enjoy the sweet little pink rose he got for Ellie too.
He also got me a small red rose to match Ellie's.
And a gorgeous bouquet, I was delighted to see Josh thought outside the box and got me a mixed flower bouquet with roses, daisies and lily's. It was beautiful, he also got me some dove chocolates and a balloon. This is the first balloon he has ever gotten me. That night Josh and I enjoyed some time together and a nice meal from Olive Garden in the comfort of our own house cuddled up on the couch. All and all I would have to say this was one of the best Valentine's Days ever.
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