Every year we take a short drive down to Orting where the pumpkin patches are and go to a pumpkin patch called Schloz pumpkin patch. This year we had to go two times due to rain.

The first time we went was to get Elijah's pumpkin, we had promised him we would go that very weekend, we still forget sometimes about how this Washington weather can be. Horribly rainy.

We even managed to find a pumpkin that was way bigger then Elijah's head, one he was just as thrilled about as we were. Notice his happy face.

Dad and him put alot of hard back breaking work into picking up all those pumpkins and loading them in the wagon. At least they had the rain to keep them from getting to hot and sweaty. Oh and to keep the pumpkins clean, at least the top of them.

Our second trip was a bit more enjoyable, warmer, sunnier and our little Ellie even got to pick out her own little pumpkin.

She was even trying to sit up, though she has some help and support from her pumpkin friends.

The boys had fun petting and looking at the animals there at the patch and even enjoyed running through the corn maze. We couldn't pass up a photo opp with a huge gourd.

All and all it was a pretty good Pumpkin Hunt!!!
We all had fun and even bagged some awesome pumpkins.
We all had fun and even bagged some awesome pumpkins.
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