This year instead of having 2 separate birthday parties for the boys, we decided to have one big party for all of them. That and anytime we try to have a party For Elijah no on usual shows up. We only usual do professional cakes for the first birthdays so for the boys I decided to bake and decorate one cake and make tons of cupcakes. The above shows how well the birthday cake turned out. I think it turned out pretty good for not being a professional cake.

I probably went a little overboard on the cupcakes but anything for my boys.

For there party not only did we have the gorgeous cupcakes shown above but we also had pizza. All our friends came and had some pizza with toy story 3 playing in the background. After pizza then it was time to start singing the " Happy Birthday Song".

All the kids were seated at the table I lit the candles and brought the cake into all of the kids who were anxiously waiting. We sang Happy Birthday and all the kids together blew out the candles.

The kids each got to pick there own special cupcakes from around the cake and show down on those while I cut the cake in the kitchen. They all seemed to enjoy there mini appetizer before the real thing was brought in.

When the real thing was brought in of course they all dug in and though not all of the kids finished there cakes they sure did enjoy it.

After cake it was time to dig into the presents. The kids got presents from school friends, family in Missouri, Noni in Alaska and of course tons from Mommy and Daddy.

They didn't lack for anything and got tons of toys and cloths. All the kids were excited to see what they all got.

Even the twins seemed to have a bit of fun.

Though the twins needed a bit of help opening there gifts. Once the Mega blocks were pulled out none of the other toys mattered. Thankfully we had a great helper there, one of Elijah's friends from school Conner Chapman. He was great at helping open up some of the gifts. All and all I think it was a pretty successful birthday and a wonderful celebration. What a way to celebrate one more year with our wonderful boys. Good food, Good friends and tons of presents. Hopefully every year will be this enjoyable.