Monday there was several teachers that came out to get an assessment on the twins, partially for the school district and partially for the assessment in Tacoma with the Pediatric Neurologist. It’s been a long road with the twins and a struggle for Josh and I as their parents. The twins will be 3 this November but developmentally are more like 1 and a half year olds and there is no real explanation why. Prior to this we didn’t have a vehicle meaning any assessment wouldn’t be helpful, that and there was really no need for one because they were as far behind. As they have gotten older there developmental strides have slowed down and for poor Adriel have nearly come to a screeching halt. All despite continuous efforts from there developmental teachers who work with A Step Ahead and Josh and I’s continued efforts. Though we did have a brief period while pregnant with Ellie that we were unable to work with them as well, but this shouldn’t have delayed them this drastically.
Anyways the assessment went as I had expected. Adriel refused to cooperate and didn’t really want to do any of the activities the Occupational Therapist tried to do with him, he did alright on a few of them but for the most part didn’t really want to work with her.
Mathias didn’t do too bad, he was very cooperative and I’m sure if the Occupation Therapist would have given him a bit more time would have gotten almost everything. But his reaction time was a little slow and comprehension of what we were asking wasn’t on par either.
I’m sure it didn’t help that they were both tired and hungry. Though I was told that during assessments like this you want your kids to not be at their best but to be if anything at their worse, because it shows these teachers what they are really like on your bad days.
Though I don’t have the results I’m pretty certain of what they are, I can’t say exactly what stages they are in there development but do know they are behind. Below is the information that I got from the teachers assessments, both from personally watching the boys during the assessments and talking with the speech Therapist, Occupation Therapist and Developmental teacher.
Adriel I believe does have sensory processing disorder and is possibly autistic ( though the autistic diagnosis would be from the assessment in November with the Pediatric Neurologist) Adriel runs around the house most of the time hoarding toys and shows no purposeful play, he does make eye contact but only after some prompting and given time to become comfortable with the new person. Adriel’s communication is drastically delayed and can’t follow simple one step directions. When called he doesn’t respond and often continues to do whatever activities he is doing. Adriel often seems to be in his own world. Adriel is a very delightful sweet hearted little boy. Adriel doesn’t have a mean bone in his body he is very compassionate and emotional. Adriel also has a very bubbly happy go lucky attitude. Adriel is always on the go. As his Mommy I love his little attitude and how sweet he is.
Mathias I believe just needs some time to catch up. Though I don’t understand why he’s not on track I do know and see that he is starting to get the “big picture”( personal Mom opinion not the teachers) Mathias has several good words and can identify a few objects but doesn’t seem to be able to communicate his needs or what’s and also doesn’t seem to have a comprehension of what you’re asking him to do. (Though in Mom’s opinion he if I ask him will name an object sometimes, not exactly what they are wanting but it is progress) Mathias does have purposeful play, but not nearly as much as would like to be seen. Mathias doesn’t seem to want to interact with other people or kids around him, he is often content to sit by himself and play on his own. When engaged in activity often takes him a bit to engage the person initiating the play. Mathias loves books and enjoys looking at them by himself or with Mommy or Daddy. Mathias is a very sweet loving boy. Mathias stands up for himself and is a go getter. He is a Momma’s boy. What I love about Mathias personally as his Mommy is that he has a brilliant mind in that thick skull of his, he loves to look at books and his favorite toy is a globe. I love that he wants to learn. Though it can be very inconvenient I as Mom love that Mathias sticks up for himself and won’t let anyone push him around. I love that he loves Mommy so much and will fuss, or request in his own little way he needs me to cuddle him.
In two weeks I am hoping to get the full assessment. Part of me is anxiously waiting for it and dreading it at the same time, but this is all a step in the right direction to figuring out what’s going on and hopefully getting them on track. As their parents this has been a very hard journey for Josh and I and as there Mom sometimes it breaks my heart to see that they are delayed. I spend a lot of time replaying the pregnancy and what I did during it. Though I’ve been told it’s not my fault as a Mom you can’t help but to feel like it is. As parents sometimes you dread your children growing, but the perk to them growing is you get to see that new stage, you learn who they really are. For us we know bits and pieces about our boys but can’t see the whole picture. The lack of communication makes it hard for us. It’s not easy to have kids that seem to be “frozen in time” in a way, Or on their own time clocks. You really do as a parent gets tired of waiting for them to get to the next stage. It’s also hard because sometimes you feel disconnected. As a Mom there are times when I feel like the boys are just little shells of people running around .Though this sounds cold or weird, it’s how I feel at times and hard to explain. There are times I see glimpse of them and when I do it makes my heart soar. Thank God the boys don’t realize there different and we are blessed of that, we are also very blessed it’s not worse and that there is a high chance that with time they can live perfectly normal lives, at least what looks like a normal life to the outside world. Adriel and Elijah may always have their struggles, but in life who doesn’t. There’s will just possibly be because of their conditions. I have high hopes for the boys and will never allow a diagnosis to define who they are. I will always believe the words my Grandpa said to be when a little girl and plan to give the boys these same words. “You can be anything you want to be”. “Don’t let what someone tells you or says about you define you, your Gods creation. There is a bigger plan for you then you know. I believe this is true. There’s a big plans for our boys we just can’t see the big picture yet.
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