The twins were by far the funniest to watch hunt for Easter eggs. After 2 fun failed attempts at decent photos of the twins with Josh and I. We decided to go upstairs and let the hunt begin.

Due to it being dark outside when we did the twins egg hunt and again Washington's wonderful wet weather we decided to do the Easter egg hunt inside. We choose to do it upstairs so our baby girl could nap downstairs and not be disturbed by the excited noisiness of the hunt. The twins quickly attacked the eggs that were scattered out all over the hall and our bedroom floor. They had fun trying to figure out what to do with them.

Adriel didn't really know what to do with the eggs. He would pick some up and run around with them vigrously shake them, toss them down and grab a few more. He didn't seem to notice his basket nicely sitting at the base of our bed waiting for him. We tried to spur his interest by digging in and showing him toys. But he had no interest and kept on picking up and throwing down eggs. He did have fun though and it was cute to watch.

Mathias on the other hand quickly gather a few and figured out how to open them and spent time opening each one. Thankfully he didn't realize that the items hidden in the eggs were candy and just mainly played with them. From time to time Mathias would get up and toss the eggs down the stairs, run back to his pile and throw more down the stairs. Mathias to our excitement also blurted out " egg" several times. Mathias also would shake the egg to hear it make noise and then kiss the top of the egg. Mathias much like his brother showed no interest in his basket, though when prompted stole an egg out of the basket leaving everything else in the basket just to sit and shake the one egg he snatched from the basket.
It was very cute to watch them run around excitingly gathering eggs. It was very funny and interesting to see how there interest changed from last year. I enjoyed watching them dig in and have fun and though it was a lot of work I enjoyed it. It turned out to be a wonderful Easter. We all had fun and went to bed with full happy tummies.
It was very cute to watch them run around excitingly gathering eggs. It was very funny and interesting to see how there interest changed from last year. I enjoyed watching them dig in and have fun and though it was a lot of work I enjoyed it. It turned out to be a wonderful Easter. We all had fun and went to bed with full happy tummies.
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