So March 31st was Elijah and Ellie's well baby check up. I was nervous about taking them out together, though I had did it the weekend before with no troubles. But this was to a check - up, with shots involved. I was more concerned about Elijah and being unable to hold him down for the shots, especially with a baby.
So Elijah was the first one to get checked out and to get shots. The check up went well, he stood on the scale happily and got his height measured with no problem. The finger stick to test his iron level was another story. He screamed and kicked and loudly pleaded with the nurse " Don't stick me". After the stick he was fine for a while until they came in with the needles for his shots. He willingly got on the table but I'm sure he would of done otherwise if he knew what was coming. They had to call in another nurse to hold his top half while the nurse on the bottom half stabbed him with the needles. Normally with Elijah I'm fine when he cries, but I almost cried this time with his shots. He was just begging so pitifully " No more pokes, No more pokes." But as much as I didn't like it, I know it's whats best for him and all and all he did well, he even got a sucker and sticker after all was said and done. I was amazed to see how much he had grown from his last check - up. He's now 38lbs and 41 inches tall. Amazing he started out at 7lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long. They grow so fast!!!

Ellie was the second to get her check - up. Of course hers was less dramatic and alot quicker, also less painful. They weighed her and gave her one tiny shot, which she screamed about but quickly recovered, of course with help from big brother. It was so cute to see Elijah showing Ellie his boo boos and reassuring her " The doctor is gone now sis no more pokes, I will protect you." Ellie of course has also grown quiet a bit and now weighs 8lbs 11oz and is 21 inches long. My precious babies are growing so fast.
My sweet Elijah bug and Ellie Belly Bugga Boo.....
My sweet Elijah bug and Ellie Belly Bugga Boo.....
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