Today we took Ellie to her Neurologist appointment in Tacoma via the request of Ellie's pediatrician. This appointment was made because Ellie's gross motor skills and fine motor skills are delayed. In a family with average kiddos the doctors wouldn't worry, but in Ellies case having 3 older siblings with different developmental disabilities and a mother with Dystonia the pediatrician didn't want to overlook something.
At the Neurologist's appointment today they weighed and measured Ellie. Ellies weight was 15lbs 3 oz not much bigger then her well baby check up a few months ago, Ellie's height was 27 and 3/4 inches. Again not much taller then her last check up. ( Ellie can wear some 3 to 6 month outfits and alot of her 6 t0 9 month outfits at almost a year.) After being weighed we were sent back out into the waiting room to wait for the doctor. The wait seemed like forever, finally they called us back to the room. Just Ellie and I went in. ( Daddy thought it would be too much to take everyone back, not only for the kid but the doctor as well) We sat back there and of course it was the normal, asking questions, " why did you bring her in today?" and ect... After asking the questions he looked Ellie over, Ellie was not to thrilled with this and was happy as well as he was at a distance. As soon as he came near Ellie's bubble it was no longer happy girl but a screaming lets climb Mommy girl. After the doctors exam he could see no reasoning why Ellie isn't developing average gross and fine motor skills and suggested we wait until her brothers testing comes back to see if it reveals anything that would effect Ellie's development. We are due to see him in May to discuss Adriels results and the next steps we need to take for Ellie if there is any. Also to check her progress. He would like to see her pulling up and doing a bit of crusing while hanging on to something by May. heres hoping. Only time will tell.
Either way we have a healthy beautiful baby girl, for all we know she may just want to be doing things her way. Maybe scooting on her butt is her ideal of moving.