Where our normal services are held. But was the meeting place for the kids of VBS

Elijah's VBS classroom.

The helper in Elijah's class Brandon.
VBS started this last week and initially I wasn't going to take the kids, mainly because I told Elijah was too young. The only child care was for the workers ( though I believe there were a few kids care was provided for that weren't workers, I'm unsure), which these classes were reserved for. Surprisingly they needed one more nursery working because of how many kiddos were there and I was it. VBS went well though and after working there I actually enjoyed it. It was exhausting but enjoyable. It was great for Elijah and the twins too. I had to much to my dismay had to miss one day and the end of the VBS week celebration. But I don't do it for me, I do it for my kids and my church. This year has me excited for next... Can't wait to see what next year holds. Looking forward to volunteering too.