Love this photo of Adriel. Am going to print and frame this one.

This photo shows how brave Mathias really is. Look at that strong, brave little face.

Ellie giving me smiles to show how happy with the sun she really was. Think she's definitely gonna be a summer girl.

A nice photo of my husband. He looks very handsome here.
This year there hasn't been very many nice summer days, so when there are some you pack up the family and take advantage of it. We still don't have a mini van so we did the next best thing. Pack the twins up in the Red Flyer Wagon, Ellie in her stroller and Elijah got to walk. ( Good for burning up some of that energy) We are very lucky to have a Elementary school right down the road from us, so we went there to hang out together as a family. After we finally found somewhere for Ellie and I to sit ( so she could eat) We turned the kids loose and they had a blast. Thankfully in the schools playground there is a tall fence and a huge field, so plenty of room to run. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Mathias was the first to be brave enough to climb up the play structure. Definitely a brave kid and tried to climb in a few areas that were a little to big for him yet. But he made an effort. I'm very proud of the twins, it's amazing how far they've come and how quickly they've grown. Elijah had a blast too and seemed like he ran out some of that energy. He seemed more pleasant when we arrived home, think he got the exercise and stimulation he needed. We couldn't get many photos of Elijah though, he was running around too much lol. Ellie also seemed to enjoy the time out in the sun and cooed and talked to all the new things around her, she looked so beautiful in this little outfit she had on. Definitely believe pink is her color. Anyways after an hour of playing Mathias fell right through some of the play structure stairs and became too upset to continue playing ( though not hurt bad) so we had to pack up and head back home. After heading back home the kids wanted to cool down while Daddy made lunch, so we let them play in the sprinkler outside. It was a nice weekend. We all had fun and enjoyed ourselves and I even got a nice photo of Josh... Love weekends like this.