How it all started.

How it all started.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Boys Birthday celebration. November13th 2010.

This year instead of having 2 separate birthday parties for the boys, we decided to have one big party for all of them. That and anytime we try to have a party For Elijah no on usual shows up. We only usual do professional cakes for the first birthdays so for the boys I decided to bake and decorate one cake and make tons of cupcakes. The above shows how well the birthday cake turned out. I think it turned out pretty good for not being a professional cake.

I probably went a little overboard on the cupcakes but anything for my boys.

For there party not only did we have the gorgeous cupcakes shown above but we also had pizza. All our friends came and had some pizza with toy story 3 playing in the background. After pizza then it was time to start singing the " Happy Birthday Song".

All the kids were seated at the table I lit the candles and brought the cake into all of the kids who were anxiously waiting. We sang Happy Birthday and all the kids together blew out the candles.

The kids each got to pick there own special cupcakes from around the cake and show down on those while I cut the cake in the kitchen. They all seemed to enjoy there mini appetizer before the real thing was brought in.

When the real thing was brought in of course they all dug in and though not all of the kids finished there cakes they sure did enjoy it.

After cake it was time to dig into the presents. The kids got presents from school friends, family in Missouri, Noni in Alaska and of course tons from Mommy and Daddy.

They didn't lack for anything and got tons of toys and cloths. All the kids were excited to see what they all got.

Even the twins seemed to have a bit of fun.

Though the twins needed a bit of help opening there gifts. Once the Mega blocks were pulled out none of the other toys mattered. Thankfully we had a great helper there, one of Elijah's friends from school Conner Chapman. He was great at helping open up some of the gifts. All and all I think it was a pretty successful birthday and a wonderful celebration. What a way to celebrate one more year with our wonderful boys. Good food, Good friends and tons of presents. Hopefully every year will be this enjoyable.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Twins 1st day of school!!! November 8th 2010

Adriel heading to school in Mom's Mini van/ Bus.

Mathias heading to school. Neither of the boys seemed too thrilled about this.

The boys getting brought into the classroom, both looked a bit confused and worried.

Adriel not wanting to sit down to color with some of his classmates.

Mathias also not so impressed with coloring.

This first day of school came with alot of heartache, tears and stress for me as a Mom, I'm not sure how much the twins truly understood about this, if they understood at all. I mean It's hard to send your kids to school that very first time anyways without them being special needs. But when they are special needs it really is much harder then you would think. Most kids go to school around 5 years old and for years that's what I had expected, it wasn't until about July to August we started realizing this plan might change and much like there brother they would go right around there third birthday.. It was much harder with the twins then Elijah, but we had at least a year to prepare for Elijah going to school, unlike a few months with the twins. Not to mention for a Mom it makes it even harder because unlike Elijah, whose understanding and communication was advanced, the twins are incredibly delayed. Think of it as sending your 1 year old and 2 year old to school. Most parents would feel anxious about this. Not to mention there is a sense of feeling like a failure as a parent because of them having to go early. It may sound silly but you really start questioning yourself as a parent and all that went through my mind was that I messed up. I messed up so bad indeed they have to go to school at three because I can't teach them. While this isn't t truly the way it is. It's the way you feel, at least to start.

But after the initial shock and fear, come the realization that this is what they need to advance and with the fear and anxiety come bit of relief, because you know that this may help them be able to actually talk to you or sit down and play with you like developmentally at three they should be able to do. It also brings a bit of a break for an often over worked over stressed Mom and a bit of time with there sister to try to work with her and hopefully help her to be developmentally advance instead of delayed.

As far as the twins they seemed anxious and not one bit pleased about going to school but after a few days of going they seemed to do incredibly well. The first day I drove them and walked them into the classroom. They were already melting before we even got in the classroom. It started because they were fighting with each other in the wagon and because I didn't buckle them thinking that it would be okay we weren't going that far. They were trying to climb out. After dragging all them into the school going through the office, down the hall and to the classroom they were finally in the classroom. They were instructed/ shown where to put there backpack and coat, shown the shape of the day and assisted in putting there name on the board under there shape. The were brought to there chairs one at one table and the other at the other table, to participate in the coloring activity for the day. Neither of the boys were impressed with this. Adriel was just trying to run away and play with toys. Mathias followed me to the door on the side of there classroom. There teacher Mrs. Laible brought him back to the chair. Knowing I couldn't help and I was making it worse I told them I loved them turned and walked out the door, while holding my tears back. I and Ellie went out the door dragging the empty wagon across the parking lot and out to the van. I got Ellie strapped in, the wagon loaded, the car started, then sat and cried for a moment. I called Josh letting him know that they were in school and proceeded with Ellie and I's day. That first day away we went to the store. Needless to say I wanted to keep busy and when I did get home, I waited anxiously for the bus to pull up in front of the house. All and all it went well. Below is the letter the teacher wrote to me that afternoon.

Hi Jasmine,
The boys had a good morning. You were right about transitions - rocky for both boys. However, during free choice, Adriel found toys to play with and was entertained. Mathias played for a bit, but then would sit by the door crying. Another little boy their age (two months older) sat next to Mathias and tried to interest him in cars. Mathias and Adriel enjoyed playing outside on the big toy. They both did pretty well at circle time sitting and listening to a story. I think once they get the routine, they will adjust just great! Adriel seemed kind of sleepy towards the end of our session. They should nap well for you! I appreciate your email and all you're doing for them to get them ready for school.

Thank you,
Jennifer Laible

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Trick or Treating. 2010

We all got dressed up as usual in a hurry. I was a zoo keeper, Ellie was a butterfly and Elijah was the fireman that put out the fire at the zoo. Here you notice him pouting because I put black smudges on his face to represent the smoke and stuff from the fire.

We made the twins costumes from last year last an extra year. They were a bit tiny. But we made them stretch.. They looked so cute in them again this year. Though in this picture you can see there pure dislike of the whole situation, but it also didn't help that they were sick too. This was the best photo we could get of me and the boys together.

A photo of Elijah tickling me, Adriel trying to run away and Ellie not sure what to think about all of it. I was laughing so hard I could barely see.

This year like every year we all got dressed up, loaded the kids into strollers, grabbed our buckets and pillow case and headed out. Bound to get as much candy as possible. Our yield was big this year, but not nearly as big as years before. I believe much like everything else the rescission hit this to. But it's all good we still got enough for us and the kids and had fun too. We went to all the houses in our neighborhood and there was talk of going to the neighboring neighborhood, but after going door to door for about 40 minutes, Dad and I discovered neither of us had the energy to go much further. Talk about feeling old. Also the twins weren't really in the mood and our Ellie was getting tired. Elijah still had the energy to go though he was starting to get a bit tired. We convinced him to come inside with the promise of a bit of candy before he had to go to bed. Maybe we will try the other neighborhood next year. All in all we had fun and thats what matters...

Our poor victums of the hunt, The pumpkins.

The Victims of the Hunt

This is what happens when you drink too much.
Time for pumpkin rehab.

A view coming up our stairs, watch out that one pumpkin moves. He swiped his victims on the stairs there, you can still see the blood.

Chowing down on a bit of a snack, umm white pumpkin.

This guy is wondering why he has a headache, his little friend sitting on top of him knows why.

Okay so maybe we had a little too much fun with this whole pumpkin thing. But I thought it was pretty cool. Found a couple of the ideas off the internet, but the one with the mallet to the head was all mine. We had fun and Elijah thought it was cool. Was told some of neighborhood kids agreed with our Elijah.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Fun!!! Pumpkin Hunting October 2010

Every year we take a short drive down to Orting where the pumpkin patches are and go to a pumpkin patch called Schloz pumpkin patch. This year we had to go two times due to rain.

The first time we went was to get Elijah's pumpkin, we had promised him we would go that very weekend, we still forget sometimes about how this Washington weather can be. Horribly rainy.

We decided to just get his since our darling Ellie was still to little to play in the rain.

Despite the rain we were blessed with this gorgeous view of the fog rising off the fields.

We even managed to find a pumpkin that was way bigger then Elijah's head, one he was just as thrilled about as we were. Notice his happy face.

Dad and him put alot of hard back breaking work into picking up all those pumpkins and loading them in the wagon. At least they had the rain to keep them from getting to hot and sweaty. Oh and to keep the pumpkins clean, at least the top of them.

But the bottoms quickly got cleaned off in the puddle of water that accumulated in the wheel barrel.

Our second trip was a bit more enjoyable, warmer, sunnier and our little Ellie even got to pick out her own little pumpkin.

She was even trying to sit up, though she has some help and support from her pumpkin friends.

The boys had fun petting and looking at the animals there at the patch and even enjoyed running through the corn maze. We couldn't pass up a photo opp with a huge gourd.

All and all it was a pretty good Pumpkin Hunt!!!
We all had fun and even bagged some awesome pumpkins.

Ellie's sitting up November 2010

What's that Mom?! I can't hear you over your excited shouts.

Yes Thats right world I'm sitting!

Okay I sat up Mom, Really you can stop taking photos now.

As the comments under the photos above show, our Ellie is now sitting up!!! She's not sitting well yet, but she's making progress. She started sitting up towards the end of October beginning of November. She's 8 months old now and slightly behind on her gross motor skills, but I'm not concerned. Also when she falls doesn't have the normal reaction she should have just yet, she won't catch herself when she falls. But hey she's advanced in other places, like speech and social skills, as my Grandpa use to say " As long as that little minds alright, the rest will come and nothing else really matters" and we know her little mind is brilliant already, but I'm Mom I could just be partial.

Chloe's Birthday Party; Elijah's First girlfriend!!!

One of Elijah's friends, or as he likes to say his girlfriend/ his girl had a birthday party and invited Elijah to come and celebrate with her and some friends from school. Of course being the good Mom that I am I couldn't resist and of course said yes ( Dad suggested I go too), So off we went....

They had a pinata and took swings at it...

There was plenty of pizza, cake and candy, for the most part a fun event. A bit crowded, but fun... Elijah enjoyed it and Chloe had fun too.

My grocery trips, also known as my traveling circus!!!! October 2010.

So once every other week, the kids and I head out to do our grocery shopping. Usually our first stop is Winco. For most this wouldn't be a blog worthy, but for our family it always is. As most of our friends know we aren't your average family, though we aren't the size of the Duggars (well known family with 20 kids) we are a large size family so any outing is always a bit of an event. I mean honestly a women with 4 kids under the age of 5 and one set of kids being twins, I get looks like I'm a traveling circus, hints the title. Above is what most people see coming through the store. A cart full of kids and groceries.

Even loading the kids into the van in itself is a bit of an adventure, maybe a short one, but and adventure still. Normally I start with loading the twins as above.

Then the next step in our loading process is Elijah and Ellie, as pictured above. All and all just to load the kids up into the car it takes approximately 10 minutes. And on our grocery trip days I do this approximately 3 times. To unload our crowd it takes about 15 minutes on average, this is done 4 times. Crazy to think huh?! So loading the kids in one grocery trip takes about 30 minutes, to unload almost an hour. Crazy thought huh.

But as a reward we get to see this view. Definitely a wonderful view after a heroic performance. Definitely worth an applaud. ( Courtesy of Elijah insisting I take a picture)

Elijah's Tent Bed. October 2010

My step Mom and I were talking one day and I was telling her how Elijah's always trying to make a tent in his room, failing miserably, then getting mad... My step Mom happened to remember the tent bed she had for my brother and though it would be cool to send it to Elijah. Above is the photo of the tent. This tent bed was my brothers, him and I played with it when we were kids. It's awesome to see my son playing with the same tent bed I played with when I was only a bit older then him... Thanks to my step Mom I got this experience...

My living room is now a Playground!!! October 2010

Adriel showing how much he loves his slide, surfer dude pose.

Ellie giving the slide a go with a little help from Mom.

The often seen sandwich effect as the boys tumble down the slide.

I have to say I'm truly amazed how the Lord works and how he provides for us. This little tikes slide for instance. We had been looking for one for the boys for quiet sometime and was informed something like this would be helpful for them, especially if Adriel gets diagnosed with Autism. I ended up getting this because I replied to an ad on craigslist, initially the lady was trying to sell it, but after telling her about our kiddos she offered to just give it to us. I guess it helped that she also has two kids with Autism or who are on the Autism spectrum. I gave her information and told her that I would help her as I could with resources to help her kids, and she gave me two little tikes slides. A big one that is now inside and a little one that is now outside. Ironically enough shortly after she gave me the slides she moved right down the road from us and ended up becoming family friends. Her youngest son and mine are now best friends and play on a regular basis now. Not only that she also gave us a playhouse that the boys now enjoy. Again it's amazing how the Lord works. We now have a slide inside and a perfect therapy slide.

Ellie Pushing Up!!!! Ocotober 2010

Normal floor time play.

I'm thinking about doing something new.

*zoobers* I told you I could do it..

I'm still doing it!

One day during floor time play I noticed Ellie doing something new, much to my surprise and to Ellie's delight I noticed she was pushing up on her hands. As the picture above shows. She starts out happy and then goes to pure excitement as she zoobers in success. It's amazing how quickly she's growing and changing. At only 7 months she's pushing up. She may be slow in her gross moter skills but as the picture above shows, she doesn't seem to be too concerned about it! I'm excited to see what each new day holds and all the progress she makes.